The Wealth Index is based on a number of indicators of affluence including average household income and average net worth, but it also includes the value of material possessions and resources. It represents the wealth of the area relative to the national level. Values above or below 100 represent above-average wealth or below-average wealth compared to the national level.
Name | County | Wealth Index | |
1. | Village of Wentworth | Lake | 222 |
2. | Lake Madison Census Designated Place | Lake | 219 |
3. | Bath Census Designated Place | Brown | 201 |
4. | Saint Onge Census Designated Place | Lawrence | 196 |
5. | Prairiewood Village Census Designated Place | Brown | 176 |
6. | Shindler Census Designated Place | Lincoln | 174 |
7. | Anderson Census Designated Place | Minnehaha | 173 |
8. | City of Colman | Moody | 168 |
9. | Town of Alpena | Jerauld | 167 |
10. | Pine Lakes Addition Census Designated Place | Minnehaha | 166 |
11. | City of Frankfort | Spink | 165 |
12. | Dakota Dunes Census Designated Place | Union | 163 |
13. | City of Conde | Spink | 158 |
14. | Colonial Pine Hills Census Designated Place | Pennington | 153 |
15. | City of Crooks | Minnehaha | 153 |
16. | City of Faith | Meade | 152 |
17. | Town of Langford | Marshall | 150 |
18. | Town of Bison | Perkins | 148 |
19. | Town of Keystone | Pennington | 145 |
20. | City of Doland | Spink | 144 |